Saturday 5 January 2013

Filled Under:

Gambar Gadis Dirogol dan Dibunuh di India

Inilah wajah wanita india yg dirogol & dibunuh sehingga membangkitkan kemarahan seluruh warga india..

She was a student
She was 23
Her fault some people say because she boarded the wrong bus
And oh yeah
Six men raped her one by one and then used an iron rod to tear her vagina-
Small intestine and large intestine came out
They left her to die on the road
What’s more is that no one even turned to look at her
No one even bothered to throw a shawl on the ill-clad
ill-fated girl
She can never live a normal married life again
She Went into coma five times since 16th December
She was unconscious
Critical and hasn’t been able to stop crying
But don’t worry
She wasn’t your sister
She wasn’t your daughter
But she could be. The brutality has to stop right here guys
These people deserve capital punishment for their cruel,
Perverted act
She died yesterday saturday 29th
December 2012
Rest in Peace♥ and I pray that her killers get the WORST punishment possible
This doesn’t only happen in India..
But in every country around the world..
Is this how we treat our women?
It Makes me ashamed to even live on this planet today

If her death Touches u and you are against RAPE
Please SHARE This Article..


  1. Hang the rapist


  3. not bad..

  4. kalo nk jenayah rogol bkurangan, PEREMPUAN PERLU BERPAKAIAN SENONOH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    sape yg tahan tgk awek tunjuk body..bodoh....
    pastu bile dah kene, salahkan org..BODOH!!!!!

    1. ko ni bu kua dri hutan ke r..?? zmn skang ppn pkai jubah ala2 minah arab pun still akn kene rogol if bertembung ngn mnusia yg idup berlandaskn nafsu je..x kira la laki ke ppn ke tp law dh nafsu menguasai diri sume bleh jd. even ko jantan pun tp law org dh sangap nk raped ko still can be happen gak. mmg ko xde lubang dpn mcm ppn tp law die nk sumbat @ sula ko ikut lubang blkg cmne...pkir la sbelum ko ludah perkataan BODOH tuh sdgkn ko yg JAHIL x sedar ngn prubahan akhir zmn. thun 2008 kes nurul huda...budak lg kot still kene rogol smpai mati. so reason ko PEREMPUAN PERLU BERPAKAIAN SENONOH dh x relevan lg zmn skang!!! sedar la wahai dek non oiiiiiiiii.......

    2. i agree..stuju sgt2..zaman skg dh xcam dlu g..dunia akhir zaman makin menakutkn..even pki pakaian yg mnutup aurat pn still gk jdi mgsa..dunia da xslamat lg dh..bila nafsu menandingi IMAN..

    3. btul2...perogol tetap perogol. pnjenayah tetap pnjenayah..hukum tetap hukum!

    4. cam gampang perangai ko.

    5. bila dah berhijab nampak la ada pendinding diri sikit daripada seluaq body feet x ckup kain tu..jarang dengar sangat kes org berhijab ni dirogol,kalau ada pun tudung ja atas pala tp bwh body dengan punggung terdedah feet jugak,tak terpakai maaa,insyaALLAH berhijab kerana ALLAH akan dilindungi NYA

  5. nama jawapan x intelek....jawapan hanya salahka orng shj bukan pakaian shj yang mengundang namay kalau ada org lelaki letak otak di genitals shj..mana pergi uhukm jgn pandang..puasa...zikir tahan nafsu ...xd dah zaman ni ..akhir zaman dah...kalau ada kaum adam yang kalah pd nafus jgn harap boleh bela islam...keluarga ...negara dll..kat arab yang bertutup tu pun masih berlaku..dan pelakunya si lelaki digantung..atau dibaling batu (rejam)..or sula..

  6. only happenning in 3rd world countries like malaysia, india, indonesia and the rest. why? full of non educated men & jahil. Pandai tak boleh ditumpang, bodoh tak boleh ditegur, salah tak boleh diajar!I've been living oversees since last 20 years and this kind of crime rarely happen in the country like USA, Europe and Australia. Perempuan kat sana lagi seksi but no one heran lah. Open your eyes & mind before start put a blame on someone else. Should be grateful & bersyukur sebab tak terjadi pada keluarga anda tersendiri.

  7. Only happening in 3rd world countries like malaysia, indonesia, india and the rest. Why? Because full of non educated & uncivilized men.Pandai tak boleh ditumpang, bodoh tak boleh ditegur, salah tak boleh diajar! Rarely happen in the country like USA, Europe and Australia. Perempuan kt sana lg seksi but no one hairan la. l knew because l've been living oversees since the last 20 years. Open your eyes & mind before placing a blame on someone. Patut bersyukur sebab tak berlaku pada keluarga sendiri.

    1. No one can deny the fact it's a totally uncivilised and cruel act. But to say that
      it only happen in 3rd world countries, that's not fair. How could you be so sure that it doesn't happen in other countries such as US and those in europes?.. Coz as far as im concern educated people wont be running around and randomly shooting kindergaten kids like the one happened in US.. Even i was back in the states when random shooting at Virginia Tech happened. Jonestown mass suicide for example, is that suppose to be the acts of civilised people? I dont think so.What im writing here is not to provoke some sort of arguments or anything, its just that i couldnt agree with such claim of yours. And again, i do agree that it was a very inhuman act by those men. The fact is,there shouldnt be any issue arises based on the claim "happening only in 3rd world countries.."

  8. nafsu x da manusia yg boleh halang nafsu menguasai diri... kadang2 nenek yg x pkai seksi pn org rogol... sma2 kita jaga iman jaga diri jaga kelakuan kadang2 kita sndiri punca masalah tu...

  9. miak angol sy stuju sgt gn pndapat awk..

  10. merogol memang best...takyah bunuh2 pun..

  11. yerr sokong betul kenyatan miak angol & Estes Cameron(Pandai tak boleh ditumpang, bodoh tak boleh ditegur, salah tak boleh diajar!)...dan kenyataan (Anonymous January 7, 2013 5:40 PM) spt membuka kebodohan sendiri di zaman skang.. fikir² kan..
